
Visited 31.5.12

The weather was again sunny with some white fluffy clouds but windy.
I somehow managed to spend a whole week on the Western Isles without seeing any rain – what are the chances?

It was just as well the weather had been kind or otherwise this would have been a very muddy walk from the road to the circle.

The information board states that this site has never been properly excavated and it is not known if this is a circle or cairn?

There are 5 decent sized standing stone with 1 large fallen stone.
Lots of smaller stones scattered all around.

Nearby there is a line of stones which looks like it may be the remains of some sort of enclosure?

There is also a small fenced off area with a ‘mound’ inside – no idea what this is – a cairn perhaps?

Although this is far from being the best stone circle I have seen this week at least it is another Historic Scotland site to tick off the old list – so I’m happy.