Prajou Menhir

Access: Good – very short walk on grass, only yards from a parking space.

Visited Thursday 12 April 2012
Even more wonderful on a sunny day than when it’s peeing down!!!

Just to clarify, this is on the west of the road coming from the mainland, just before you approach the causeway/bridge to Ile Grande. There is a small lay-by/parking space south of it.

It’s probably easier to spot on the way back if you go across to see Ile Grande allée couverte, which is why Jane described it the way she did.

Either way, keep your eye open on the west side of the road for a gap in field edge less than 100m on the mainland side of the causeway/bridge. When we were there last week, there was a little sign in the entrance to the field.

In line with the allée couverte & right next to it, there’s also a curious long mound that makes you think it’s a still couverte allée.... It even has a standing stone sticking out, but I haven’t (yet) seen it referred to in any books etc.