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Middleton Muir 1: Latest Posts

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Middleton Muir 6 (Ring Cairn) — Links


A decent diagram of the heather covered ring cairn.
drewbhoy Posted by drewbhoy
25th August 2020ce

Middleton Muir 6 (Ring Cairn) — Fieldnotes

As the crow flies, hopefully in a straight line, this would a very easy walk. It is anything but. From Middleton 5 I headed south west into a valley over a dried marsh, up the hill to walk between the Middleton cairns 3 & 4 plus numerous hut circles. Up to this point the terrain has been mostly turf or burnt heather. Heading further west there are more valleys and this time proper springy heather, just to add interest a steep slope leads to burn which appears to have a dam, up the other side and hopefully the ring cairn will jump out.

Unfortunately it is completely covered in heather and turf. As usual in these cases I found the site by tripping over a stone in the outer edge, at least the heather gave a soft landing.

Apart from a couple photos of stones it was difficult to describe, going by the Canmore link (see links), its impressive but small. Standing further back there is no difference in the height of the heather, strangely nearby hut circles can clearly be seen.

My next objective was to get to the Gormack Four Poster, however my plans were thwarted by steep banks and the Lornty Burn, a raging torrent thanks to rain near Benachally the previous night.

Visited 18/07/2020
drewbhoy Posted by drewbhoy
25th August 2020ce

Middleton Muir 5 (Cairn(s)) — Fieldnotes

One week later and I'm back at Middleton House asking permission to park which was kindly given.

This time I was going to to try and find the two cairns I'd given up on the week before.

This time, heading north from Middleton, I followed the Cateran Trail for a short distance, uphill, until a crossroads, head west (you'll pass a small quarry) then take the second track heading north west overlooking Loch Glasclune. Once over the Glasclune Burn keep heading north west, again more valleys and dried marshes to negotiate. However like the previous week it was surprisingly dry, 5 miles north had seen torrential rain the night before.

The cairn has a decent kerb surrounding it being 10m wide and in parts 1m high. A lot of houking has happened on the north side but it still looks in fairly condition despite that. This must have been popular place during during prehistoric times, the whole area must have been, there are hut circles everywhere.

Time to go west.

Visited 18/07/2020.
drewbhoy Posted by drewbhoy
25th August 2020ce

Middleton Muir 4 (Cairn(s)) — Fieldnotes

The fourth cairn I visited on Middleton Muir is a short and simple walk west thru burnt heather passing quite a few well preserved hut circles.

Some kerbs remain in place in what have been sizable cairn which still sits at 11m wide and 0.5m tall. It has the same beautiful scenery as its near neighbour.

Benachally gets closer.

Visited 11/07/2020
drewbhoy Posted by drewbhoy
15th August 2020ce

Middleton Muir 3 (Cairn(s)) — Fieldnotes

From Middleton 2 it might be 0.5 miles in a straight line heading North West, however there a couple of valleys, marshes and small streams to negotiate before arriving at the well placed site. After heavy rain or during heavy snow this would be a nightmare, luckily for me the very dry weather had dried everything so underfoot conditions were reasonable.

After climbing up and down you eventually reach the cairn which is close to several hut circles and another cairn.

What appears to be a small walkers cairn actually has a stone set on edge, possibly the remnants of a cist. It has several kerbs still in position which surround the 9m wide site / almost 1m high. Tremendous views south especially of the Lomonds in Fife and Benachally to the north.

A nice site.

Visited 11/07/2020
drewbhoy Posted by drewbhoy
14th August 2020ce

Middleton Muir 2 (Kerbed Cairn) — Fieldnotes

Middleton 2 is only a short distance from its near neighbour being much harder to spot.

It is close to 13m wide and in parts 0.4m tall, a lot of it has been flattened entirely. Once again a lot kerbs are to be found, once again 32 but I counted 20, almost all of them are covered in turf and heather. Most are in the south west arc.

Visited 11/07/2020.
drewbhoy Posted by drewbhoy
21st July 2020ce

Middleton Muir 6 (Ring Cairn) — Images (click to view fullsize)

<b>Middleton Muir 6</b>Posted by drewbhoy<b>Middleton Muir 6</b>Posted by drewbhoy<b>Middleton Muir 6</b>Posted by drewbhoy drewbhoy Posted by drewbhoy
20th July 2020ce

Middleton Muir 5 (Cairn(s)) — Images

<b>Middleton Muir 5</b>Posted by drewbhoy drewbhoy Posted by drewbhoy
20th July 2020ce
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