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Re: Stone clambering
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To no one in particular -

I'm all up for getting in a good old knicker twist if its for a worthy cause.

I'm prepared to stand down now from bikini alert red to bikini alert white over it, knowing now that...
a) they used a set and said so in the show about the show, and
b) it's against the rules these are the only pieces of information I need in enlightening a clamberer as to the error of their ways and using the feedback on the EH website to point out the discrepancy.

Perhaps the BBC should have had a big notice at the end of the show. People would then moan the illusion was being spoiled and of course they arent stupid enough to think Doctor Who would be allowed to break the rules without looking into it before writing a dirty letter or starting a petition.
Perhaps the rules should be on signs beside the stones, or more staff there to enforce the rule. We'd moan about the atmosphere being spoiled and staff always in photo shots then. And other stones would still be clambered on elsewhere. What can I say, I will enlighten and attempt removal where I see it. I can't see anywhere else to channel any outrage beyond that.

We've still got plenty of police boxes around the place here. A lot are being made into coffee kiosks, but a lot remain.

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Posted by Branwen
25th June 2010ce

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Re: Stone clambering (tjj)

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