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Re: Mike Pitts talks about the news "leak"
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tiompan wrote:
Moss , where can I find that bit about Newhenge /BSH ?
I remember there was simialr speculation at the Stonehenge avenue until it was pointed out that they were natural . Whatever it is at BSH is unlikely to point to both though becaue of the quite different horizon profiles ,not that it amters , but it does show their (wishful) thinking .
Just because you disagree with someone who is a good bloke doesn't make you a curmudgeon .

Well if you have'nt got the magazine, I'll quote....

..."and the midwinter sunset in the other. In 2009, GT Frontline, a Dutch ground penetrating radar team, confirmed the presence of the two parallel ditches and mapped a third, equally spaced parallel ridge to the east. It now looked as if the builders of the first Stonehenge had added their stone circle and cremation enclosure onto the end of a remarkable natural phenomenon, where the sun's solstitial extremes were apparently marked by the contours of the land".

I suspect a lot of work still has to be done, these things take years before they are properly evaluated, but it seems if this is true than a rather important part of the jigsaw has dropped into place as to the 'why' where Stonehenge was located...

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Posted by moss
15th December 2009ce

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