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Tre Wallter Llwyd
Re: This really made me cheer up a bit...
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Thanks for the words of encouragement about my postings. I'm not a natural when it comes to these things.

I hope that you and treaclechops make it to Tre Wallter Llwyd, despite the pesky land owner. The more of us that visit the better. It <I>is</I> a good site, despite the ill treatment it's had of late. If you need any more info on getting to the chamber, let me know. One thing I wish I'd had (apart from wire cutters) was the OS Explorer map, which makes it a lot easier to see where the footpath <I>should</I> go.

Looking forward to your Pembrokeshire postings.

Kammer x

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Posted by Kammer
1st May 2003ce

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