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I've only been there near summer solstice when it was packed, but if you walk around at dawn it's not crowded at all!

I walked from the Hickpen White Horse along the Ridgeway, past some wonderful round barrows with beech tree groves on them, down the West Kennet. It was about seven miles, a nice vigorous hike for an afternoon. I went off the Ridgeway several times to examine the Greywethers (those loose Sarsen stones) which are well worth a look; nice peaceful way to absorb this place. I also recommend checking out those round barrows; very haunting atmosphere. My travelling companion and I went to sleep there one afternoon and had intense dreams.

The place does get a bit overrun with tourists and new agers near solstice so be warned. And they will leave candles and offerings at stones and even inside the long barrow! (leaving even flowers inside these is bad as the decaying matter leads to erosion of stones inside). I have never encountered "american new agers" there myself but have certainly seen plenty of british ones with their drums, incense and crystals! :`) Gosh, how did that annoying drum thing find its way to your quiet nation? The "old timers" in the pagan community over here lament the days when one could attend a gathering in the woods and actually sit around the fire and tell stories and sing songs and not have it be all about the damn drum...

Re: solstice time, it gets a bit dodgy around the Red Lion come evening, too, but most everyone is there for a nice summer solstice vibe. Allow me to apologize on behalf of any clueless American visitors to UK sacred sites; but sadly, from what I have observed visiting a lot of these places, cluelessness knows no nationality! But most people, if you inform them politely as to why they should not leave ritual offerings (such things can damage the stones), they will leave off doing it. "Don't change the site, let the site change you."

I would tend to recommend going off-season if you can manage it, but there is something about being there while a lot of pilgrims are there for summer solstice rites that is kind of thrilling...much cooler than being at Stonehenge.


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Posted by albion
20th April 2003ce

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Re: salisbury (njmarsh)

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