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Re: Mudlark finds Neolithic skull by Thames
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Yes I it was late last year when I happened across them on utube. They’re very morish, and very relaxing to watch. They’ve also helped me identify a few things found over the years..things that look like ‘something’ that I’ve kept. A Victorian ‘Alley gobs’ gaming piece for example. I understand a license is needed to mudlark along the Thames..I don’t think it costs too much but I read that you have to be a member of the mudlarking society to apply and there’s a long waiting list. Amazing stuff indeed..just laying there waiting to be found. I think they’d drain it if they could, like you say they all like to get down there for the super low tides. I love all the stories that can come after a find too.

I think I’ve seen enough clay pipes being extracted now though..

Just looking at the pictures of the skull fragment again in the guardian article..I’m struck by how flat the forehead is..

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Posted by Amil04
21st February 2019ce

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