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Maiden Castle (Dorchester)
Re: Phallus for the gods?
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Evergreen Dazed wrote:
juamei wrote:
A massive inferiority complex!
I reckon if I found another 3 or 4 causewayed enclosures in a similar ahem style, I might be able to get a PhD studying the rest...

As the marvellous poem goes

They bide their time in serpentine green lanes;
in fields with railings around them;
some on hills, some near lochs;
long barrows look like fannies;
some enclosures look like cocks.

From Rev. Audrey Slopingbottom 1821
'The Ancient Byways and Cock shapes of the British Isles'

Hahahaha! Brilliant ... never let it be said again that this forum doesn't have a sense of humour. Decorum prevents me from joining in further but it jolly well cheered me up. Suspect Rev. Audrey Slopingbottom won't come up (oops!) in a google search.

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Posted by tjj
21st July 2016ce

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Re: Phallus for the gods? (Evergreen Dazed)

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Re: Phallus for the gods? (nigelswift)

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