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Marlborough Mound
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Rhiannon wrote:
That's so interesting, Moss, thank you for posting the link. I feel an urgent trip coming on to the motte at Sherrington. I mean they do caution that you can't start doubting the date of every motte in the land :) But Sherrington's firmly on their Interesting List.

Also, the bibliography has so many leads for more reading. There's a pdf online of one about Marden, also by Leary. So I'll make a link to that.

Glad you understood what I was saying Rhiannon, will read the Marden Henge pdf later, there is only so many hours in the day...
But Sherrington 'motte' does look interesting especially as it is on that beautiful River Wylyle.

Looked up the other interesting mottes mentioned - Hamstead Marshall. The three had been mentioned as barrows in earlier times, and Aubrey has something to say as well....

"This motte and the two others nearby were categorised in Victorian times as tumuli , based on earlier sources; this is perhaps surprising because Aubrey in the 17th century noted "by Hamstead Marshall in Berkshire (a seat of the Earl of Craven) is a hill like Silbury Hill, on which Captain W Winde designs to make a screw-walk, as at the keep of the Castle at Marlborough", and "Captain Wynd farther tells me that there is a hill called Castle Hill near/within a mile of Hamstead Marshall, greater than that before mentioned (Marlborough), and there is also another mount near, but not so great". In 1930 their true character was reestablished by Myres and Williams."[...]px?uid=MWB1549&resourceID=1030

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Posted by moss
25th January 2014ce

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