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Re: A303 to go into a tunnel eventually?
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Mustard wrote:
We'd need to roll back social changes from the last 50 years to make life without (or with reduced use of) the car viable. I can't travel between home and work on public transport, and I find it hard to envision how that could change. Buses can't possibly take in every place of residence in a semi-rural area - especially if trying to accommodate modern shift work. The reality for most people I know these days is that they live in one town or village and commute to wherever the work is.


This is a problem we have to work our way through (nicely summed up by nix above) by pushing hard for environmentally-friendly means of transportation (public and private).

We can’t turn back the clock, even non-drivers rely on roads to get goods to their shops, ambulances or taxis to their hospitals, children and teachers to their schools etc). We know the ‘road tax’ doesn’t actually go towards paying for our road infrastructure (transportation system) but perhaps it should, and perhaps that tax should be evenly shared between all road users and not just the motorist and hauliers who already shoulder a very heavy financial burden with the present ‘road tax’ (not to mention the obligatory MOTs and motor insurance).

If there really was a proper, and universally applied, road tax perhaps we’d see the environmentally friendly transportation system we all want sooner rather than later.

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Posted by Littlestone
1st October 2013ce

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