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Re: Ice Age Giants
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Rhiannon wrote:
...I couldn't help thinking the sabre toothed lions looked a bit porky rather than muscular. Like they'd spent too long lounging in front of the tv eating crisps. Perhaps that's why they went extinct too.

Yes, they did look a bit porky/cuddly.

CGI has come on by leaps and bounds over the last few years but creating something like a CGI saber tooth cat is still down to a lot of (artistic) interpretation (ditto the faces created in Meet the Ancestors). The bit about how the saber teeth actually worked though was interesting and I guess the more finds that are made and the more research that is done the clearer the picture will become.

I was hoping that there'd be more on the human effect on these big beasties (and their possible contribution to their extinction) but there was nothing - nothing at least until the very end of the prog when a short trailer for the next episode was run. Looking forward to that one.

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Posted by Littlestone
20th May 2013ce

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