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Belas Knap
Re: Swastikas at Belas Knap
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juamei wrote:
Did you take photos? Please can you take time today to ring 101 and report it? I can dig out the "damage to ancient site reporting to the police" guide if you like...

EH are especially keen for all crimes at sites to be reported as they feel they are historically under reported so the scale and nature of crimes at sites etc isn't treated correctly by the police.

This is a thread I've read carefully and its seems a given we are all in unison on it. Find it hard to believe that its been done in the spirit of reclaiming an ancient pre-Christian symbol as anyone with those thought processes would be unlikely to be committing vandalism at an ancient monument.
Mocking seems to be the British way but complacency should never be allowed to set in.

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Posted by tjj
7th April 2013ce

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Re: Swastikas at Belas Knap (juamei)

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