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Re: Stone Circle between Avebury and Marlborough
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Sanctuary says..

"If Paul is sensible like he can be when he has his right head on he won't react to this other than in a good way. He has a wealth of knowledge, that is patently obvious by the comments he makes on the hundreds of sites he has visited, far more than I ever have and I for one don't want to see him scared off or asked to leave. But that is down to him of course to not see opposition in everything others have to say and for us to possibly understand him a little more at the same time. Paul, I think you're a good guy underneath it all but full of frustration because you feel others aren't listening to you. They are, but don't expect them to agree all the time okay."

I am in agreement with both Geoff and Roy on this one, these skirmishes get nowhere, Paul has a lot to offer when he is not being cross and ranting. I also believe if people stopped talking about it and focused on other things life would settle down once more peacefully ;)....

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Posted by moss
8th March 2013ce

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