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Re: and another thing
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Rhiannon wrote:
Don't worry Harry, now everything's just great and we're laughing away and we're all bezzie mates again hahahah isn't it marvellous.

Anyone who dissents is clearly a troublemaker now.*

*just going to get my friends and relations onto the board so they can back me up on this, just a minute.

Are you trying to say who can and can't post now? this is truly horrible of you, and you just think you're great don't you? again it's for the ed's to decide [apart from geoff] who does and doesn't post on here not you, what do you think of moss and littlestone? and does your silly rules apply to them as well? You're being pathetic.

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Posted by bladup
7th March 2013ce

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Re: and another thing (Rhiannon)

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Re: and another thing (Harryshill)

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