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Re: Just a word
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harestonesdown wrote:
bladup wrote:
harestonesdown wrote:
bladup wrote:
harestonesdown wrote:
bladup wrote:
nigelswift wrote:
Bladup, I thought I'd pop back and say this -

All I've said on this thread is that I suspect there's “a genuine placebo effect at work at many circles whether old or modern" , an idea I've been proposing for ten years and which has generated a number of long, interesting and above all civilised TMA discussions.

In response you have taken it upon yourself to say that it shows, I'm selfish, childish, off my head, have no soul and am “a bitter old man”.

Bad behaviour. People have repeatedly given you a lot of latitude here because, I suspect, they think you genuinely don't know how to behave properly. You shouldn't mistake that for approval though.

I've never wanted to "act properly" because i'm very rebellious and proud to be like that naturally and have never wanted "approval" from anyone thanks, I have full confidence in my behaviour, I've never been in prison so there can't be to much wrong with me, a lot of people i know and grew up with have spent a lot of their grown up lives in prison though, so i must have done something right, and who are you to speak for others, they all have their own voices and as far as i know don't need you speaking for them and you claiming to know how others think is certainly as crazy as anything i've ever said on here, you're psychic now are you, you don't know how anyone else thinks.

It's not about approval, or even acceptance, it's about conducting yourself in an appropriate manner. something which you fail to do over and over again. I offered you some friendly experienced advice last night only to be met with by a wall of defensive abuse.
Yes i've given as much as i've taken here before you mention it but it doesn't stop my interaction with other members who know the reasons for my behaviour and understand them somewhat. Yourself, you'll end being ignored by everyone as there's no give and take, no acceptance of your own faults and a failure to modify your behaviour. If you're happy with that then fine, good luck.

Homophobic hypocrite.


I'm 39 not 13, I don't now what that means, just right it properly.

Well if i must spell it out Paul, PMSL = Piss My Self Laughing.
A reaction conceived and awaiting birth for a while now in lue of your comments against the Irish, the Scots, your rants about peadophilia in the Catholic church, your general nastiness towards others, your failure to accept anyone else can have a valid and opposing view. You get my drift. ?

Now what's wrong with hating the Nonces that hide in the catholic church? this is certainly true, I've known loads of scots and like them and have said nothing against them, so that's crap and it's the same with the irish [i've known fucking loads], i'm related on my mums side to Cromwell himself so the mistrust in catholics is deep rooted and i'll only trust them when they drop the forgive everything crap, the whiter than white thing you're doing is funny, I'd never speak to people in the really nasty way you did [believe me, i just give as good as i get], You're a liar because it was clearly you and the bridges have been burnt, I was told it was you, and you won't even admit it, are you really saying someone went to the trouble to set up another megadread to abuse in your name, nobody would think you're worth that effort, i certainly don't, I'm done now, write something back but i promise i won't be reading it, you aren't worth the trouble, i'd rather just ignore you, remember i only came on here once megadread had gone and the first argument i had on here was with you [as harestonedown] about if the polishers were up or down, that's when i first knew who you were [because of how you were], someone just like me who thinks their always right, at least i know this you're just a pathetic [homophobic] hypocrite.

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Posted by bladup
6th March 2013ce

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Re: Just a word (harestonesdown)

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Re: Just a word (harestonesdown)

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