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Eyam Moor
Re: Ring Cairn/Stone Circle on Eyam Moor
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Alastair Ross wrote:
Thanks everyone for getting back to me - it does indeed look like a mini Wet Withens :o)

I managed to find Eyam Moor II - which has a very deep trench in it - but not Eyam II - though I suspect I walked straight over it without noticing when I was there last weekend

I'll pay this circle a visit before the spring takes hold and report back.

You'll kick yourself when you find the other one, did you find Eyam Moor II? you said you did and you didn't, i guess you meant that you didn't find Eyam Moor III, as II's right by the path and III's near it but further from the path but you know when you've found it because when it was excavated they cut a section so you can see the makeup of the cairn [don't fall in], that and the few stones from it's surrounding circle and you'll know when you've found it [head for the bilberry].

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Posted by bladup
13th January 2013ce

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Re: Ring Cairn/Stone Circle on Eyam Moor (Alastair Ross)

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