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Re: Scots/Picts/Celts/Romans/Saxons/etc
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Harryshill wrote:
Harryshill wrote:
Littlestone wrote:
Well, I really don’t know how much clearer I can be. This thread is about Neanderthals v Humans - not about other ethnic groups (fascinating those might be). I’d be quite happy to contribute to threads on those subjects (if the eds are OK with it) but I’d really appreciate it if we could keep on topic here – thanks.

Then, I really wish you would talk directly to those that are upsetting you, because I am staying with in your tight guide lines, and yet it's me you are getting at and it's getting a bit boring.

On reflection you might as well lock the thread. At least it will get you off my back. It's tiresome.

Scratch that. Just a stupid reaction.

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Posted by Harryshill
4th November 2012ce

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