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Re: but...
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tjj wrote:
That is all I have to say on the matter as I am aware Hob is a highly esteemed contributor.

Eeh, in't you nice to say that ;) I'm just a distant memory here, due to not posting hardly ever these days.

tjj wrote:
Am genuinely perplexed by these double standards.

It's sort of different in this case as the outcrop in question was completely unmarked, and is a good 500m away from the next nearest real cupmark. No way in hell would I ever condone marking on already marked rocks. There's one like that at Lordenshaw, dating back to the 1950s I think, and it's just not right.

tjj wrote:
If that view makes me an outcast on this forum ... well, no change there. I stand by my view.
Well now, it's not like you've suggested the romans tidied the landscape up nicely or anything as blasphemous...

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Posted by Hob
1st October 2012ce

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Re: but... (tjj)

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