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Re: The first site you ever visited.
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harestonesdown wrote:
bladup wrote:
harestonesdown wrote:
I genuinely cannot remember. !

Ha ha come on, a flashback or something, were you really young like them young lads in your pictures?, although there probably about 18 now [ if the photos were taken when you put them on here], no wonder harestonedown can't remember- he doesn't have much of a past! what's mr watson's first site?

My father was a driver for the local abattoir, This could take him all over the country and some times i'd tag on with him. I absolutely hates school, All i did there was fight, Nothing constructive at all, so my dad would often let me "wag it" in his lorry, I've a very vague memory of seeing Stonehenge out of the window one day and it sparked my interest. A year or two later my dad picked up one of Arthur C Clarkes books, Generally we weren't allowed to read his books but late one night after he returned from the pub a bit worse for wear i managed to get a loan of the book for the night, There i read about many other ancient sites and that stuck with me and got me into the whole megalithic "thing". Pretty much all i can remember from there is myself and my best mate, Also named Paul would wag off around Derbyshire, Mainly the fox house area so i guess the first ancient site i saw would have been one around there somewhere but i genuinely can't remember what, really. !

Since then as you'll now know i've visited too many sites to mention but as far as chambers go that would be West Kennet Long Barrow, Many years later, Or was it Waylands. ? Lol.

Too many memories mate, Not enough brains cells to file it all in any meaningful order. :p

Cheers, great story though, i also detested school [ can you feel that hatred? ], and the first book i ever bought was an authur c clarkes mysteries of the world book, it had stonehenge, a ufo and dinosaurs on the cover, i loved it, they thought i was dyslexic at school til i got this book, as all kids can learn if it's something the least bit interesting to them, as nothing at school is interesting for some kids.

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Posted by bladup
21st September 2012ce

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Re: The first site you ever visited. (harestonesdown)

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