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Re: Room for a view (Looking Deeper)
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harestonesdown wrote:
Myself and a couple of friends sat atop West kennett long barrow one fine summers evening watching the sun set and musing on Silbury. One asked "If no-one's buried there could it have been a project to bring people together ? Akin to the Olympics or the Millennium celebrations" ? I dunno i said, But it's as good a theory as i've ever heard, Kinda heart warming too, If a little "soppy". :)

From the other end of the spectrum- i was once there at night with a friend and we both felt separately that it was a big plug put there because of something terrible that had happened, i dismissed this out of hand until i got home and the first thing i read [ i think it was in a book about mystics and glastonbury ] that others had thought the same thing, this of course doesn't make it any truer but i remember thinking how odd other people had experienced the same feelings as us.

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Posted by bladup
12th September 2012ce

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Re: Room for a view (Looking Deeper) (harestonesdown)

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