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Re: Room for a view (Looking Deeper)
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harestonesdown wrote:
Myself and a couple of friends sat atop West kennett long barrow one fine summers evening watching the sun set and musing on Silbury. One asked "If no-one's buried there could it have been a project to bring people together ? Akin to the Olympics or the Millennium celebrations" ? I dunno i said, But it's as good a theory as i've ever heard, Kinda heart warming too, If a little "soppy". :)

It certainly brought people together for a cause HSD that's for sure! Interesting that you should mention the WKLB which was built over a 1000 years prior to Silbury Hill. As the long barrow was 'closing down' so the building of SH began, or possibly as one belief ran out of steam another commenced as this was a pivotal point in time. The hill rose up to level the height of the WKLB and lodged between the two was the River Kennet and the Swallowhead Springs. Coincidence?

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Posted by Sanctuary
11th September 2012ce

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Re: Room for a view (Looking Deeper) (harestonesdown)

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