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Re: Lodge Park Long Barrow
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thesweetcheat wrote:
tiompan wrote:
Down your way Blight (1845)noted that the barrow at Pelynt had the different coloured soils showed β€œ strong evidence of design in their arrangement β€œ and β€œthe surrounding neighbourhood furnishes no soil at all like them , either in colour or confirmation β€œ . Later Borlase digging at Tregiffan barrow mentioned sea shell sand had been used to line discrete small stone capped pit when the nearest cove to the site was 3-4 miles away .

J.T. Blight, what a guy. His "Week At the Land's End" is great, and I have a beautiful book of his with illustrations of crosses and prehistoric sites that shows great draughtsmanship and attention to detail.

Indeed. Stuart Piggott was another brilliant detail illustrator judged by his drawings of the WKLB in his book of the excavations 1955-56.

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Posted by Sanctuary
25th August 2012ce

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Re: Lodge Park Long Barrow (thesweetcheat)

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Re: Lodge Park Long Barrow (tiompan)

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