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Turinhill Craigs
Re: Calling Tiompan/Rock Art Experts..Cup Marked Slab?
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Sanctuary wrote:
tiompan wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
tiompan wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
tiompan wrote:
GLADMAN wrote:
Needless to say happy to remove if the consensus of opinion is 'no', but happened to (literally) chance across this slab just c25 paces approx south-east of the Turin Hill summit stile. There are numerous conglomerate slabs in the area (with cavities where the pebble had been obviously dislodged), but this one looked very, very different to my untrained eye.

The OS ref I've given is approximate.

You should have got in touch G , I'm only a few miles from there .
Yes it's a certainty . There are a few on the hill , both sides ,a wee bit odd in that some are close to the top , one is part of the dun .

Is it personal and prolonged experience that decides if these cup marks are natural or man-made or other defining clues? To my untrained eye it just looks like another rock with weathered depressions on it. Not being purposely obtuse just asking.

It does help with the less than obvious ones ,but in this case have a closer look at the pics again Roy , you 'll see that there are single rings around three of the cup marks , creating a donut effect . Pick marks , as Goff mentions are also diagnostic .

Ah right, I see that now, thanks George. It's called 'art' but in this case could it be for a practical purpose i.e. to hold a liquid or object(s) in for a special purpose (supposing it was always prostrate that is)?

The art word is a bit unfortunate , not only a modern concept but we have no way of knowing the carvers intentions . you do get the rare case of cup marks that couldn't possibly hold water ,i.e. vertical or almost .. This one from last year 1st and 6th pic .

Just out of interest George, unlike a prostrate stone within the setting of a stone circle, I suppose you can actually dig around many of the cup-marked stones you come across that don't appear to be 'part' of a recognised structure/site if you wish to. Is that a fair comment or do you see them as being 'sacred' as well albeit often just lying around just like...well a stone?

It's a wee bit Schrodinger's cat , previously unrecorded marked rocks that are covered by turf/heather / moss etc are not monuments until uncovered which collapses the wave function , if they are not uncovered they occupy both eigensates .xcuse the poncey bollocks but it is illegal , I think , to dig around a scheduled monument but in the case of unrecorded covered marked rocks they are not monuments until you have dug them .

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Posted by tiompan
5th June 2012ce

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