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Re: The Recumbent Stone Circles of NE Scotland
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thelonious wrote:
Don't know if someone else has already posted this - online content to go with this great book.
Gazetteer of Recumbent Stone Circles[...]ions/Great_Crowns_of_Stone.pdf

OMG! That's not a Gazetteer, it's another book!

Great Crowns itself is 317 pages, that "gazetteer" has 306 pages, all at the same high quality as the book pages. Not only that, but nearly all of the fantastic quality colour photos in the gazetteer do not appear in "Crowns".

And it's free!

But let's put it this way, if they did a print copy of the gazetteer, we'd buy a copy.

But not from Amazon ;O)


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Posted by Megalithics
18th August 2011ce

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