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Re: What's acceptable when interacting with sites?
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Rhiannon wrote:
ah what a refreshing outlook (hah because you are agreeing with me). And, do you know, I'd go even further than when you say 'not one person that doesn't know me wants to know what I had for breakfast' - actually, I'd reckon that not many people who DO know you, want to know what you had for breakfast. I think that's the bit that really freaks me out. It kind of seems even more egocentric because it flies in the face of your relationship with your actual friends.

It's probably for young people isn't it. And I'm getting old. I keep finding myself doing and saying things that mark me out as such. I should just face it :)

I think you summed it up nicely when you said "It's probably for young people...." Yup, and I'm turning into a grumpy old man. Well, a grumpy 40-odd year old man. Young people class that as old, don't you know.

Actually, it doesn't say very much for the future of the planet when young people are obsessed by Facebook. Whatever happened to playing out? Too risky probably. Health and Safety don't like people playing out.

Mr. Grumbly.

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The Eternal
Posted by The Eternal
20th May 2011ce

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