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The Modern Antiquarian
Re: Living Heritage Threat
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moss wrote:
Aside from rotten conservative governments there is the history of the allotment here....[...]rtHistoryOfAllotmentshtml.html

and the historic struggle to keep them alive as part of the social conscience, which of course is not part of new conservative thinking

Well as someone who has been 'green' for 30 years or more and had allotments, I would have thought they were a flourishing success with many overbooked for years to come. Its the local councils that will have to fight this one, this government just changes the rules to its own advantage, and then ducks when the flack flies. Sodding cowards the lot of them (sorry)

Out with Conservatives in with Conservation! ;)

Well said and thanks for the very informative link.


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The Sea Cat
Posted by The Sea Cat
1st May 2011ce

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Re: Living Heritage Threat (moss)

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