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Stonehenge and its Environs
Re: Stonehenge apocolypse
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faerygirl wrote:
The day after tomorrow is equally as stupid

Been there, done that...

My friend has a special shelf in her DVD collection dedicated to Disastrous Disaster Movies. Most of these seem to involve...

a) an asteroid / unstable Earth's core / volcano / environmental change;
b) two scientists / a scientist and an environmentalist / a scientist and a politician who start off on opposing sides of the debate but end up agreeing / romantically entwined;
c) lots of running around / away;
d) lots of shouting / meaningful looks.

I reckon SA will sit nicely on this shelf, especially as my friend is also a massive SG-1 / SGA fan, and it's got pyramids in it. :-)

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Posted by 1speed
15th February 2011ce

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Re: Stonehenge apocolypse (faerygirl)

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