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Re: What no Stonehenge?
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Bumping this to a more appropriate position... (closure of A344) ... I was there last Sat 12th (first decent day for ages) and was surprised at the big difference it makes. A much better atmosphere at the Heel Stone, quieter and less stressful with people wandering across the road to look at the Avenue.
The concrete barriers are just to the east of the entrance to the car park and people are parking on the double yellows there. Move them further west!

This closure has been discussed at length elsewhere.. http://heritageaction.wordpres[...]%80%99s-vision-for-stonehenge/ and the collapse of local civilisation does not seem to have happened. Let us hope that Wiltshire C.C. are monitoring the traffic flows and decide that it is quite unnecessary (and expensive) to race to open it for the Easter w/e.

Another point is that the visual intrusion at the site from the A303 is less than one might think. The sound is. Noise reduction tarmac is readily available, a re-surfacing perhaps?

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Posted by jimit
15th February 2011ce

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What no Stonehenge? (Sanctuary)

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