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Re: What no Stonehenge?
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tiompan wrote:
Megalithics wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
Megalithic wrote:

When we enquired we were told that tripods and monopods were forbidden as "they might penetrate the soil". We did point out that we would use ground plates so that wouldn't happen, but no, sorry, no exceptions (we can only assume the TV crews who seem to be regular visitors to the monument must use some form of levitation for their kit).

Good to know that he who pays the price and offers the most publicity is still welcome anywhere!

Yes, same problem on Orkney, we tried really hard to get permission from HS to photograph the interior of Maes Howe. We even contacted their film and TV locations contract dept and offered to pay, but as we are not a "recognised professional organisation" even our money was no good.

Silly really, we have complete VR panoramic tours of the interiors of nearly all the accessible Orkney chambered cairns and yet we don't have even one photo of the interior of the most visited and famous one.

That was a shame ,as webcams and various relatively intrusive type surveys that were not necessarily "recognised pro orgs " have been allowed in.

Well, it depends who is doing the recognising, as with most things, it would probably have be possible if we knew the right people, but we didn't.

We did pay for an "out of hours" visit, there was just us and the guide in there. A form of torture really, those wonderful side chambers only metres away, but everything totally unreachable behind the red ropes, and no cameras, of course.

We've got external photos of Maes Howe of course, and we will include it on our site for completeness, but we plan to make it very plain to our visitors exactly why they cannot virtually roam around inside that tomb as they can with all of the others.

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Posted by Megalithics
14th February 2011ce

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Re: What no Stonehenge? (tiompan)

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