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Re: What no Stonehenge?
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I think its beautiful and impressive and really sad. I have beed reading lots about it recently (Thom. Hawkins, Aveni) and find it more and more impressive, yet, I still cant bring myself to PAY to see something I should just be allowed to see and touch whenever I want. I felt much the same when I was living in India. I refused to pay the stupid "white person" rate to see anything, so I went all the way there but didnt see the Taj!

We sometimes drive down to SH at night (just for the drive really) and bother the secuity guard to light up the stones. They look so beautiful and lonely its almost heartbreaking. Yet it still wouldnt fall into my top 5 circles. Which is silly really because its so HUGE and has taken so much time and effort and its mesurements are so precise, really, credit where credits due. I guess its just the fence and the charge Im not interested in...

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Posted by faerygirl
13th February 2011ce

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What no Stonehenge? (Sanctuary)

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Re: What no Stonehenge? (The Eternal)

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