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Long Meg & Her Daughters
Re: Possible origin of name?
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StoneGloves wrote:
Isn't there another common myth attached to the Long Meg stone circle? Which is that they're impossible to count reliably. Also we should remember that the stone Long Meg had a counterpart, which is now missing. (The absent father perhaps). Anybody guess the name of my younger daughter? Or where she grew up? If a new thread is starting with the names of monuments being analysed how about beginning with the Thurstones? Smithills, Bolton; it's a stone row.

It's a shame it's not its 'real' name, but some years back when on a trip to Avebury, I was heading up the path to see the WKLB when I caught a couple of guys up heading the same way and for the same reason. We got talking and one of them referred to the barrow as 'Long Todger' because, like myself, they considered it a representation of a phallus. I had to laugh and that day has always stuck with to speak LOLOL

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Posted by Sanctuary
7th January 2011ce

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Re: Possible origin of name? (StoneGloves)

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