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Re: Another million lines
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tiompan wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
Littlestone wrote:
I never noticed , the coded swipes that is . Who ,where ?

I think Nigel might be referring to this - http://www.themodernantiquaria[...]m/?thread=60610&message=770487 specifically the bit that reads, “Yes, many good people in cyber land - just one or two who really should get out more.”

I’m not sure what the poster’s implying (or if it’s aimed at contributors to this board) but it may be worthwhile remembering that there are some on TMA (I know at least two) who, either through ill health or disability cannot get out more. There are also others who live in parts of the country that are not as rich in prehistoric remains as other parts but who, nonetheless, contribute to TMA in other ways.

I read that post LS but but I didn't see it as June meaning it like that, but I may be wrong. I think the term 'should get out more' could well mean something like being more open minded about things, but I am only guessing here. Whatever, I'm sure she was not being offensive and insensitive to the less abled bodied.

Same here .

Thanks Sanctuary and Tiompan, its people like your good selves that make me bother coming back ..


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Posted by tjj
17th December 2010ce

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Re: Another million lines (tiompan)

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Re: Another million lines (drewbhoy)

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