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Re: Ball bearings used to build Stonehenge
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Rhiannon wrote:
The article actually says the researchers used wooden balls? Then they've got the copout that they've been chucked on a fire. But all the same, imagine trying to make that many, that perfectly round, out of something as variable as wood, all the exact same size, without modern machinery and without going insane. Does indeed sound like balls to me. Especially if there's an easier way, which I believe the Stone Rowers have elegantly showed?

Sorry to you as well, Rhiannon, as I didn't read it properly - too much red wine last night. That's my excuse for my incompetence.
If, and that's a big if, the balls were wooden, then they might have been lobbed on a fire. I would lob 'em on my fire, and it's roaring and crackling away merrily at the moment, thankyou very much. Modern machinery would be required to make round wooden balls, without spending an inordinate amount of time on it.
Regards, as always,

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The Eternal
Posted by The Eternal
20th November 2010ce

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