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Re: Ball bearings used to build Stonehenge
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I don't buy it, either, but it's always interesting to hear new theories, innit? :)

I seem to remember a phrase that kept cropping up during the Stonehengineers experiments, which was "any means necessary". The builders would use whatever method was most appropriate in each case, and would most likely use a combination of many different methods to get the stones moved. So why not bearings? If only for a short distance, or even for positioning stones?

Margaret Curtis, up in Callanish, has a series of apparatus in her garden which demonstrate several different methods of moving heavy objects. Well worth seeing. No bearings there. Mostly a-frames and ropes, as I recall. All equally feasible over varying terrain...

I'm intrigued by these "cricket-ball sized stone balls" found near Stonehenge!

G x

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Posted by goffik
18th November 2010ce

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