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Re: Ley Lines
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StoneGloves wrote:
No, it's just a pair of carp, in the springtime!

Actually the Two Carp motif is quite a common theme in Far Eastern art (even today). Two carp who swim upstream to a place in the Yangtze
River called the Dragon Gate where they are miraculously transformed into dragons. The motif is often found in governmental buildings where it’s intended to encourage junior civil servants onto greater things. moss has written about it on her blog here - The painting shown is from a single standing screen that would have once been placed at the entrance to a building. Such screens were placed there as it was/is thought that evil spirits can only travel in straight lines... which neatly brings us back (sort of) to the theme of this thread :-)

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Posted by Littlestone
13th November 2010ce

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Re: Ley Lines (StoneGloves)

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