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Re: Ley Lines
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goffik wrote:
I caught a talk on Sacred Geommetry at Megalithomania a couple of years back... now that really IS crackers! :D

Even compared to ley lines (John Michell also did a talk at the same conference and was hugely enjoyable, as did Peter Knight, who I had the good fortune to have a bit of a chinwag with) it's one step beyond credulity for my liking! IMHO, of course! ;)

G x

As it happens Goffick I agree with you; I've never had the pleasure of seeing John Michell speak and only became aware of him relatively recently. I often see Peter Knight giving small guided tours around Avebury (came across him chanting with two American women inside WKLB earlier in the summer). The bottom line for me is "how much money is being made out of this activity" - a few years back I did a course in reiki as I liked the idea of being a 'channel for healing'; when I realised what people are charged for this 'therapy' I didn't want to know and came to view it as auto-suggestion.
Someone on this forum recently sent me a book they had written about Avebury - for free; I will make sure I give it my most careful attention as its author did not try to capitalise on my interest.

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Posted by tjj
13th November 2010ce

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Re: Ley Lines (goffik)

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