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Jug's Grave
Re: Name and folklore
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swallowhead wrote:
I'm very intrigued by the name of this place, and assume that Jug is a person (mythical or real).

I seem to recall the first and only time I visited this site, I asked a local for directions. He mentioned that an old tramp once lived there - I wonder if this could have been Jug himself?

Also, I recall on another thread someone mentioned ghost stories about this site and the surrounding area - does anyone have any more details?

I plan to revisit this one soon, it's been 4 years and it's only a few miles outside of Bath.

Chance knows a lot of stuff about Jugs grave, off the top of my head, the tramp you have heard of is a fairly contemporary person, and a rotten litterbug into the bargain ;) I've seen a photo somewhere. There is a dowser, Guy Underwood, who traced all the stone walls round there and came out with a theory. What else did'nt it have gold in the barrow ?

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Posted by moss
11th October 2010ce

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Name and folklore (swallowhead)

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Re: Name and folklore (scubi63)

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