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Stonehenge and its Environs
Re: ANOTHER henge found half a mile from Stonehenge!
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The Eternal wrote:
Resonox wrote:
The Eternal wrote:
Who the sodding whatever buys that rag?


Guilty as charged...but remember the old adage...about keeping friends close and enemies closer...the same applies to can't criticise if you don't know their content and by god am I critical of them...they have NEVER responded to nor have they printed a single letter of mine(usually a complaint about their two-facedness...I'll give an example if you like!!)

Oops, put me old foot in there, eh? No offence meant, and none taken, judging by your nice response. Perhaps we shouldn't judge people by the papers they read - Heaven (or Hell) knows what people would think of the paper I read.
All the best,

Sunday sport. ? : )

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Posted by megadread
24th July 2010ce

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