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Re: Videos - made inside Stonehenge
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And from her blog -[...]dId=111413959&blogId=520790060

Geographically speaking, the circle of Stonehenge was raised 5000/10000 years ago (there are different theories about the age of such masterpiece)...

'Geographically' speaking? 10,000 years old?

It has been one of my biggest dreams to enter the circle of Stonehenge, and this year I decided to make it come true, so on my own initiative I asked and obtained permission to enter the circle to shoot some bits of our new Blooding Mask video "the cell", which was a very ambitious thing, since nobody has ever been admitted to shoot videos of musical content in the circle.

Ehhm... I think that means paying the out-of-hours admission fee?

If you want to read the rest it's probably best buy one of those sticks to bite on while having your leg amputated (without an anesthetic). Alternatively, just read the last bit in Italian (it sounds slightly more romantic, if not more acceptable, in that language).

credo fermamente che la ragione per cui il dio del sole oggi ci ha accolti con amore e' dovuta al fatto che ci voleva li, e che "the cell" e' un altro messaggio che ho scritto ispirandomi a un'energia divina alla quale saro' sempre grata.
le mie parole possono parlare per me, ma se hai camminato anche fuori dalla transenna e non hai sentito nulla, dovevi essere completamente rintronato o morto :)

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Posted by Littlestone
13th May 2010ce

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Re: Videos - made inside Stonehenge (nigelswift)

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