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Re: Time Team R.I.P. ?
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moss wrote:
tiompan wrote:
there was that 18 th C ? bloke , can't remember his name , did drawings of red Indians /native Americans , Mandans? and was a big influence on the suggestion that excarnation may have been used here .

Remember that, there's an illustration in Burls' Prehistoric Avebury, it was George Caitlin who painted the picture of the four poster platforms of the Mandans.
Burl takes excarnation for granted, mentions Catal Huyuk platforms, so you're saying that the idea of excarnation is just an idea? though to be fair it happens in lots of places so it could easily have happened here as well, thats how they explain four timber posts here as platforms....

That's the bloke , yep it could have happened here .20 years ago it was frequently suggested due to the finds of mortuary enclosures having the four posts and putative platform , more caution these days , dificult to prove and no direct evidence . Whilst at the other end of the spectrum finds are starting to show that pyres may have had more than one body and other cases where bones have signs of having been defleshed with knives .Maybe the practice was similar to that still found in the Balkans and other areas where bodies are buried then exhumed years laetr the bones cleaned or washed ,sometimes with wine , then reinterred .

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Posted by tiompan
10th January 2010ce

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Re: Time Team R.I.P. ? (moss)

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