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Avebury Truth wrote:
tjj wrote:
Avebury Truth wrote:
Pete G wrote:
I know terry, I am well aware of his past.
I didn't ask to see his CRB and have no interest in it as I never attend any of his do's.

Rancour - harboured bitterness of mind, speech etc; deep-seated enmity; spite; virulence; sourness.

Your historic grudge is apparent and explains why you chose to start this thread in the first place.

Excuse me for butting in 'Avebury Truth' - I have tried to keep my small contribution to this thread as brief and as amicable as possible. However, I cannot stand by and let you slag PeteG off in such a manner without saying something. How dare you use the soubriquet 'Avebury Truth' to hide behind and then settle what is obviously an old score ... whoever you are, shame on you.

I know Pete, and like us ALL he is not perfect but the above attack is unwarrented. If you want to say those things then email him using your true identity.

If the TMA Editor has got any sense she/he will lock this now ... it has become slanderous and extremely unpleasant.

Perhaps you should look to the beginning of this thread and take note of how it began.

I believe it started with an erroneous statement (possibly made in good faith) by someone called Chance ... I certainly can't be bothered trawling through to see if your vitriol is justified.

 This topic is locked
Posted by tjj
11th July 2009ce

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Re: Other Events (Avebury Truth)

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Re: Other Events (Avebury Truth)

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