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Avebury & the Marlborough Downs
Re: 2009 Avebury Megameet - Other Events
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It is worth mentioning that there will be several of events happening at Avebury on 1st August 2009

Terry the Druid will be carrying out the annual Lammas ceremony in the morning.

This will involve a gathering in the sun circle followed by the procession to Silbury Hill. He will then climb the hill and give blessings for a successful harvest with the Lammas cakes. After the descent there will be another ceremony and the processional walk back to Avebury for the distribution of the Lammas cakes.

There will be a free and open Gorsedd of Caer Abiri in the sun circle at 14:00 followed by the Lammas games in the Moon circle at approx 14:30.

As these events are part of the annual pagan calendar, the NT will allow camping in the car park on Friday July 30th and Saturday the 1st of August. ALL tents must be removed and the area returned to normal by 16:00 hours on Sunday 2nd August.

TMA members are welcome to join the temporary camp on condition that they participate in at least one of the pagan ceremonies and/or the Lammas games. This is a stipulation made by the NT for allowing the pagan community to use the car park. Please respect this.

Video of previous Lammas events can be seen on my UTube channel -


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Posted by Chance
3rd July 2009ce

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2009 Avebury Megameet (BuckyE)

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