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Stonehenge and its Environs
Re: Summer Solstice
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jimit wrote:
Pretty good atmosphere at Avebury.....a few drunk crusties at the Red Lion.....lots of picnics..busy but not too crowded...usual orchestrated drumming and firey torches...very clear skies at one point with Jupiter(?) brilliant in the east.....swifts nesting in the NE chamber of WKLB completely unfazed by the people around...meeting old friends (Hi Juamei!)... spotless barrow in the morning and an overnight crop circle two fields to the east..enjoyed.

I was at the wklb too for the sunrise that didn't happen, not that i mind, it just gets better and better there each year.
Thank you Avebury.

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Posted by megadread
23rd June 2009ce

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Re: Summer Solstice (jimit)

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