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Stonehenge and its Environs
Re: Summer Solstice
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"We theorised that some places really seemed to "come alive" when lots of people gather there"

Yes, well that's about the only possible clue we have to how people behaved in there.

Maybe we all carry a subconscious bias... Stonehenge is ancient and made of stone so it's a cross between a cathedral and a museum ergo a place for sobriety and reverence and attendants in caps keeping order, and chucking out promptly. Maybe all those things are the exact opposite of how it was. Maybe the EH people should strip off and egg people on to act outrageously for weeks on end. Or do they prefer to create Stonehenge in their own image of it? I demand evidence for their imposition of their particular notion of how solstice celebrations ought to be.


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Posted by nigelswift
16th June 2009ce

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Re: Summer Solstice (goffik)

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Re: Summer Solstice (goffik)
Re: Summer Solstice (moss)

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