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Devil's Quoits
Bothered of Bermingham
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Will all of you henge experts have a look at this
one, please? It gives an impression of how big the
site actually is.

RG was standing on the henge bank when he took
the photo. We (that`s me in the foreground,
looking in the opposite direction to everyone
else, as usual) are standing on the `berm`
between the bank and ditch.

When I first saw what had been done, my initial
reaction was "they`ve put the bank in the wrong

I`ve never seen such a large space inbetween
a henge bank and ditch. The archy called it a
`berm,` but in my book a berm is a narrow path
between a ditch and rampart. This one`s as big as


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Posted by baza
21st October 2002ce

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Re: Quoits pix (RiotGibbon)

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Re: Bothered of Bermingham (FourWinds)

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