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Re: Calling CianMcLiam
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I was there this Sunday just gone. Easy to find. The new bungalow has been built by the chap that owns the fields behind, so that's the place to ask once he as moved in. I chatted to the chap that's doing up the stone house down the road. Nice chap - was interested to hear about the presence of the stone.

To complete the last part of the walk to the stone:

Go through the gate above the new bungalow. Head in a straight line to a semi-broken, unopenable gate. Over that and directly to the corner of the that field that's in front of you (you'll see tractor marks in the grass disappear through a gap in the hedge). The stone is 10m through this gap.

Now ... about that GPS ... my new one arrived today ... make me an offer if you're interested in a Garmin eTrex. It's a basic GPS, but does the job.

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Posted by FourWinds
26th November 2007ce

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Calling CianMcLiam (ryaner)

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