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Re: It's g(RA)m up north
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slumpystones wrote:
juamei wrote:
slumpystones wrote:

And of course, they are older than the rest of the chambered tombs too...imagine, these could be the oldest recorded rock art in the country!

Dunno about the medway tombs age (certainly coldrum is an oddity shape wise compared to the other megalithic tombs I've seen in the south) but the oldest RA in this country is surely the pecked mesolithic animals at Cresswell Crags?

Drop the art and go for Cup/Ring instead then ;)

Hhhmmm maybe drop the 'cup' bit & replace with 'slightly dubious' :-)

For me, the features on this stone are natural http://www.themodernantiquaria[...]erslade_woods.html?stream=date & not dissimilar to erosion seen on softer sandstone up ‘ere int norf. Judging from the moss, the partial ring is small, has vertical sides and would therefore be relatively difficult to carve (although, shouldn’t rule out weathering through silica weakness I suppose). With this probably natural, small, partial ringy thing happening in the vicinity, you’d have to look at other such ring-like features and consider the same weakness / anomaly happening.

I’d sit on Hobs fence, with half an arse cheek leaning towards natural but, would love ‘em not to be… you folks need CnRs down there :-)

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Posted by Rockrich
4th July 2007ce

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Re: It's g(RA)m up north (slumpystones)

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