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Belas Knap
Re: Belas Knap photos
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Hob wrote:
It sounds very tangled and gnarly.

The thing that had/has me baffled is how he has you pics in the firstplace, whoever he is.
(And 'hallo!', to the silent Postie botherer, if you're out there lurking, as I suspect you are)

The internet's fulla strangeness and oddness...

Ok ,just this once the story of me daneiljackson and the mountain men as a cautionary tale only.
Once long ago just collecting photos from sites i'd seen was enough for me ,I'd take 'em round my a workmates house and we'd look through them ,one sunny day we had the brainstorm of googeling the modern antiquarian and so found this place .Seeing as he was the only one with a computer we used it to post my first picture ,thinking of a user name we used our love of stargate and came up with danieljackson. I purposely bought a digital camera for this website and later bought my own computer ,mostly for this site, looking through the place I noticed I could write a profile of myself, so I did, next time I visted my mate's house I showed him my profile and he made afew criptic comments and then left it at that .no sooner had I got home he started to delete them all and changed the password 425 posts gone ,I started again from scratch,as the Postman.I still dont quite know why he did it he probably felt slighted in the profile I only thanked him for letting me use his computer and didnt say I sometimes let him come with me my 5 old son has been to a hundred more places than him, if it wasn't for me he would never have gone anywhere.
Now hes posting them back on again and sometimes using the name mountainmen to remind me of the peaks we climbed , I rather think he's apologising in his own way ,very sad isn't it .
As for copyright I took them pictures with my camera ,although he was with me some times ,so some may be his can't remember which we started about 18months ago.Hope this isnt too far off topic,it's all about the stones you know!!

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Posted by postman
22nd January 2007ce

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Re: Belas Knap photos (Hob)

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Re: Belas Knap photos (Vicster)

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