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Re: New stone?
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Sorry, Boleycarigeen. Gave me the impression it was very close to it though, maybe he meant an outcrop rather than a standing stone as such. He did know a lot about the area here, I hadn't heard the story about hilltops called Seefin, maybe you have. Comes from 'Suigh Fionn', seat of Fionn where Fionn sat and watched the Fianna hunting in the slopes below, and then cooked their game at the circle, hence the griddle stones. Ties in with the hill figures of Fionn and the wife also. There's a whole raft of folklore about this area which was more his area of expertise than the actual megaliths themselves.

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Posted by CianMcLiam
1st February 2006ce

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Re: New stone? (FourWinds)

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